Year 9 Geography Project: Visual Pollution

Conclusion for Visual Pollution

Before starting the project, we thought of four hypothesis and reasons that cause visual pollution in the six districts. We estimated that the main reason for visual pollution is the population of the district. The higher the population of the district, the more visual pollution there is. Now, after doing research and based on all our findings, we’ve realized that there are four main reasons that worsen the problem of visual pollution are age of district, urban planning (land use), population density and quality of the land.

Visual pollution does not only mean graffiti, posters and banners. But also neon lights and bad quality, old buildings. This means that visual pollution does not only affect the outlook of the city, but the quality of living in Hong Kong as well. Hong Kong’s city skyline has the biggest impact of all the other cities in the world. However, if this trend continues, the future outcomes may be that Hong Kong will lose it’s beautiful outlook of the city’s skyline and the number of tourists will decrease. Also, the citizens’ quality of life will lower and there will be more of a risk living in Hong Kong, especially for those who live in old buildings.

Visual pollution has to be improved, or else it will affect the residents’ living and also affect the reputation of our city. Based on our findings, we recommend that the visual problems of an old-aged district can be improved if the government can renovate the whole place and have redevelopment project on the district. It will definitely improve visual pollution and the urban planning of the place. The government should also restrict people from damaging the district. It should set up policies to forbid people from sticking posters on gates and walls, no graffiti etc. If the things that were listed above are done, visual pollution and the quality of living in Hong Kong would both be improved. Moreover, it is estimated that 80% of all graffiti vandalism is done by children/teenagers between the age of 10 and 15. One of the many solutions to this is to educate children and teenagers about pollution and its causes and effects. By doing this, they’ll see that graffiti vandalism is a negative behavior and they should take responsibility of the world they live in. We should also report to the Environmental Protection Department whenever we saw any visual pollution, such as graffiti etc. As a result, the amount of visual problems will massively reduce.

The information we got from the interviews and the field trip is valid. The ratings from the interviewees might be subjective or inaccurate, but the tallying we did, our observations during the field trip and the photos we took are all primary sources. Therefore, the information used in the project is accurate.

In conclusion, by collecting information from different sources, our experiment proves that the four hypotheses we set are all correct and are the main causes of visual pollution.